• Priyanka Bhati


Abstract:- This study examines the relative contributions of one's day to day activity affecting their productivity. Baseline indicators were used to predict the way brain functions and lead body to function accordingly. This pattern of findings was obtained after controlling for demographic, personality, health, mental health, and relationship variables. These results have implications for understanding how daily usual habits can hamper or enhance your productivity to next level. This paper attempts to compile and provide discovery of habits which should be kept in mind in order to increase efficiency in your work and thus should be taken care before manuscript preparation and submission, so that our research should reach to maximum readers in an unbiased form. Keywords:- Productivity, Habits, Awareness, Impact factor, Publication, Research work.
How to Cite
Priyanka Bhati. (1). PRODUCTIVITY WITH AWARENESS. International Journal Of Innovation In Engineering Research & Management UGC APPROVED NO. 48708, EFI 5.89, WORLD SCINTIFIC IF 6.33, 7(8), 15-21. Retrieved from