• Priyanka Sahu, Suryanshu Chaudhary


This comprehensive review explores the intricate field of electromagnetic wave propagation in complex media, addressing the challenges faced and innovations developed over recent years. Complex media, characterized by their unique electromagnetic properties, pose significant obstacles to traditional wave propagation models. This paper examines various types of complex media, including metamaterials, plasma, biological tissues, and composite materials. We discuss the fundamental principles governing electromagnetic wave behavior in these media and highlight the limitations of conventional approaches. Furthermore, we explore cutting-edge techniques and methodologies that have emerged to overcome these challenges, such as advanced numerical modeling, artificial intelligence-based approaches, and novel experimental techniques. The review also covers recent applications of electromagnetic wave propagation in complex media across diverse fields, including telecommunications, medical imaging, and remote sensing. By synthesizing the current state of knowledge and identifying future research directions, this paper aims to provide researchers and practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of the field and inspire further advancements.
How to Cite
Priyanka Sahu, Suryanshu Chaudhary. (1). REVIEW ON ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE PROPAGATION IN COMPLEX MEDIA. International Journal Of Innovation In Engineering Research & Management UGC APPROVED NO. 48708, EFI 5.89, WORLD SCINTIFIC IF 6.33, 12(1), 01-08. Retrieved from