The legal system of India is considered to be one of the most extensive legal systems in the world. It firmly establishes itself in accordance with the values of equality, justice, and fairness. It is predicated on giving offenders punishment and providing justice to victims. The guiding principle for this legal framework is the maxim, "Let a hundred guilty be acquitted, but one should not be condemned." And the system of criminal justice has been following this for years and years. While on the other hand, the system is confronted with a variety of difficulties. Major obstacles include things like pendency, low literacy rates, a shortage of manpower, and insufficient infrastructure, among other things. New issues, such as a shift in the nature of crime and the use of technology to conduct a variety of crimes, have presented itself to the judicial system as a result of these earlier challenges. In this particular setting, there is an even larger need to locate answers and go through these challenges. With a variety of initiatives, the judicial system, together with the executive branch, is working to address these difficulties. This decade has seen an increase in the use of alternative dispute resolution in an effort to cut down on the length of time that cases take to resolve. When it comes to criminal cases, plea bargaining is one of the most important tools for moving the trial along quickly. It is a corrective measure for the enormous backlog of cases in the criminal courts and the overcrowding in prisons. Even though it was supposed to be a watershed moment for India's overburdened criminal justice system, the initiative did not get off the ground and did not produce the expected results. Keywords:- Plea Bargaining, Criminal, Justice system.
How to Cite
Arshiya, Dr. R.K.Gupta. (1). A BRIEF STUDY ON PLEA BARGAINING IN INDIA. International Journal Of Innovation In Engineering Research & Management UGC APPROVED NO. 48708, EFI 5.89, WORLD SCINTIFIC IF 6.33, 10(3), 08-15. Retrieved from http://journal.ijierm.co.in/index.php/ijierm/article/view/1614